Decompression Therapy

Decompression Therapy



- Relieves nerve root

- Can cause negative pressure
in disc resulting in reversal of protrusion

- Improves synovial fluid
movement in facet joints

- Improves blood flow to disc 

- Improves blood flow to
surrounding muscles

- Cause relaxation of muscles 

- Elongates muscles,
ligaments, and tendons

- Can relieve pain:



- Spinal Decompression
actually creates a negative pressure in the nucleus palposus of the
intervertebral disc.

- This negative pressure
allows previously compressed discs to receive fluid, blood, oxygen, and other
nutrients that the disc was previously “starved” of.

- This increased/restored
blood, nutrient and oxygen supply is thought to stimulate healing within the
intervertebral disc.


- Some experts believe that
this environment allows specialized cells called “fibroblasts” to begin
repairing tears or degeneration in the vertebral disc.

- Pressure on nerve roots and
other structures is decreased and brings with it reduction of pain and


- Some experts suggest that
the negative pressure created by decompression therapy may actually be able to
draw the prolapsed disc material back into the disc space.

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